UNITECH Cable and Grid Connection for Tetraspar Demonstrator Project

Tetraspar Demonstrator Project has signed a supply contract with UNITECH Offshore for a dynamic power cable and grid connection for the full-scale floating wind turbine demo outside Karmøy 2020.

Tetraspar Demonstrator Project is a joint project for the demonstration of the TetraSpar floating wind turbine technology between Innogy SE, Shell and Stiesdal Offshore Technologies.

“UNITECH is very proud of being selected and to be given the opportunity to contribute to the success of the TetraSpar Demonstration Project. We are looking very much forward to continue working with the experts of Shell, Innogy and Stiesdal Offshore Technologies and to help move the floating wind industry closer to commercialization,” said Gunnar Birkeland, CEO.

The FWT Zefyros (former Hywind Demo) has been chosen as the connection point (hub) to the onshore grid.

Zefyros is owned by UNITECH and is part of the National Infrastructure ‘Sustainable Energy Norwegian Catapult Center’ dedicated for these kinds of projects.

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W-Zero 1 Energy Transition Zone, Hareness Road, Altens, Aberdeen, AB12 3LE
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