Talos Reports Successful Well Test of Zama Discovery

Talos Energy, an operator of Block 7 offshore Mexico, has announced the successful drill stem test (DST) of the Zama-2 side track well (Zama-2ST1) located in Block 7. 

The Zama-2 ST1 appraisal well is the second of three appraisal penetrations drilled by the consortium, consisting of Talos, Sierra Oil & Gas and Premier Oil, to better define the resource potential of the Zama discovery.

The goals of the Zama-2 ST1 well were to test the northern limits of the reservoir, acquire a whole core to collect detailed rock properties, and perform a well test in several perforated intervals. The Zama-2 ST1 well was drilled 180 meters updip of the Zama-2 well and approximately 2.1 kilometers north of Zama-1 exploration well.

The well logged 266 meters of gross true vertical depth (TVD) pay, within expectations for the northern extension of the Zama discovery and confirming a consistent net-to-gross ratio range of 68%-73% through multiple penetrations.

The well was cased and perforated totaling 248 gross feet of perforated section with varying rock properties. Hydrocarbon flow was established without stimulation in two separate flow tests and achieved a combined rate of 7,900 barrels of oil equivalent per day (Boe/d), of which 94% was oil with API gravity ranging from 26-30 degrees, and 6% was gas.

Talos president and chief executive officer, Timothy S. Duncan, said, “The Zama-2 ST1 operation was another success for the consortium. With each stage of the appraisal program, our experience and understanding has continued to strengthen in the region, and this is evident in our operational performance. The coring operation allowed us to gather important rock samples, which indicate excellent rock properties with similarities to world-class reservoirs in the United States Gulf of Mexico.

“The production rate of 7,900 Boe/d from two zones in a very simple rate-restricted test over only a portion of the total pay column confirmed our expectations that the Zama wells will provide exceptional productivity. The tests also confirmed our geologic model of well-connected reservoirs, which should allow for a high ultimate oil recovery. Given the water depth of approximately 168 meters, we believe that a combination of fixed platforms, dry trees and short-cycle development wells will maximize both capital efficiency and optionality with regard to how many total wells and completions per well will be necessary to maximize recovery. Also, given the deliverability of the perforated intervals demonstrated in the flow test, we believe a peak production rate between 150,000 – 175,000 Boe/d is achievable.”

In the next stage of the appraisal program, the Zama-3 appraisal well will be drilled to the south of the original Zama-1 exploration well and will assist in delineating the reservoir continuity and quality in the southern part of the field. The Zama-3 appraisal operation includes collecting an additional core to better understand the reservoir geology.

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