Shearwater GeoServices has been awarded a contract for seismic survey work with energy giant Shell.
The deal covers four separate studies including two in the UK North Sea.
Shearwater’s Polar Empress will carry out 3D surveys of the Greeves and Blue Water fields in the UK sector, each taking around one month to complete.
Work will begin in the second half of this year.
The vessel will also carry out a 4D project for the Ormen Lange field in Norway, covering 1,000 square kilometres over two months.
Meanwhile, the Polar Duchess vessel will carry out a 3D survey off the coast of Western Australia covering 3,000 square kilometres.
Irene Basili, the CEO of Shearwater GeoServices, said: “We are very pleased with the award of this this significant acquisition contract for exploration and production seismic by Shell
“Our clients remain cost focused. The award represents an innovative contract structure which enables us to achieve additional cost efficiencies and share the benefit with our client.
“As the leading acquisition specialist, driving operational efficiencies and cost savings within acquisition is at the core of our business.”
Shearwater, which is based in Norway, has offices globally in the UK, Singapore, US and Malaysia.
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