Saipem and SEKO Collaborate on New Subsea Metering Pump

Saipem and SEKO have signed a collaboration agreement aimed at the design and industrialization of an innovative subsea metering pump.

According to Saipem’s social media update, the subsea metering pump will operate in extreme working conditions.

This deal marks a further step for Saipem along the road to the development of Saipem Subsea Chemicals and Processing Systems, the company said.

To remind, Saipem recently informed that it will establish a spool-base in the Gulf of Mexico.

The spool-base will be a highly specialized site designed to provide support for vessels performing pipelay activities for offshore oil and gas development projects.

Further developments involve Saipem-Sonsub’s Hydrone-R underwater intervention drone, recently launched in water to start the endurance and qualification tests prior to its commercialization by year’s end.

The Hydrone Program is the key workstream of Saipem’s Technology Development Plan within subsea robotics.

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