Preparations Start for Xanadu Seismic Survey Off Australia

Synterra Technologies has started preparations in Perth for the Xanadu seismic survey scheduled to start by the end of May.

The survey is anticipated to be completed within four weeks of startup, with data processing and interpretation bringing results during Q4 2019, Norwest Energy, the operator of Xanadu informed.

The Xanadu oil discovery is situated in exploration permit TP/15, approximately 300 km north of Perth, Western Australia.

The 40km2 3D seismic survey over the Xanadu oil discovery will facilitate structural and stratigraphic mapping of the areas updip and downdip from the Xanadu-1 well location.

The 3D seismic data will also support oil-in-place analysis, contingent resource estimation and conceptual development planning.

The Xanadu structure is presently defined by only limited 2D seismic coverage, integrated with airborne gradiometry (gravity) and magnetic data. While this has been sufficient to locate the discovery well, a high-resolution 3D seismic volume is regarded as essential to guide appraisal of the project.

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W-Zero 1 Energy Transition Zone, Hareness Road, Altens, Aberdeen, AB12 3LE
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