Perenco submits decommissioning plan for Pickerill platforms

The Pickerill Alpha and Bravo installations
The Pickerill Alpha and Bravo installations

Perenco has submitted proposals to decommission its Pickerill platforms in the North Sea.

The Pickerill gas field lies in the Southern sector, around 40miles from the Theddlethorpe Gas Terminal on the Lincolnshire Coast.

Pickerill was first produced in 1992 and Perenco has now submitted plans to the Offshore Petroleum Regulator for Environment and Decommissioning (OPRED) to decommission the normally unmanned Alpha and Bravo installations.

Neptune Energy’s nearby Juliet field, which ceased production in December, used Pickerill A to transport gas to the Theddlethorpe terminal.

The proposals involve the removal of the platform topsides and jackets and the plugging and abandonment of the subsea wells.

Topside removals could begin as soon as Q4 this year or as late as Q2 in 2022, according to the document.

Pickerill was first discovered in 1984.

Perenco Gas took over operatorship from BP in 2003.

The field is 94.7% owned by Perenco, with the remainder held by Marubeni Oil and Gas.

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W-Zero 1 Energy Transition Zone, Hareness Road, Altens, Aberdeen, AB12 3LE
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