Lattice Eyes Otway Basin Seabed Survey

Lattice Energy (Lattice), wholly owned subsidiary of Beach Energy (Beach), proposes to undertake geophysical and geotechnical seabed assessments within eight titles in the Otway Basin in Commonwealth waters.

The seabed assessment is required to inform the future drilling of offshore subsea gas wells and potential tie-ins to connect the new gas development wells to the existing Thylacine platform and associated pipeline.

At its closest point, the seabed assessment area is approximately 25 kilometers from the township of Port Campbell, Victoria.

The proposed seabed assessments will be carried out over two phases, the first starting September 2019 and the second around March 2020.

The seabed assessments are estimated to take between five to 12 days for each proposed drilling area and up to seven days for each of the tie-in flowline and umbilical corridors.

Geophysical methods proposed include:

• Multi beam echo sounder (MBES).
• Side scan sonar (SSS).
• Sub bottom profiler (SBP).
• Magnetometer.

Geotechnical sampling includes:

• Piston coring or vibracoring.
• In situ Cone Penetrometer Testing (CPT).
• Seabed grab sampling.

Seabed imagery at the well locations and along the flowline and umbilical corridors will be undertaken using a camera placed overboard via a tether and/or by a remotely operated underwater vehicle.

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W-Zero 1 Energy Transition Zone, Hareness Road, Altens, Aberdeen, AB12 3LE
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