L3 Technologies UUV for University of Southern Mississippi

L3 Technologies has been awarded a contract for an Iver3 EP unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) from the University of Southern Mississippi (USM).

The Iver3 UUV will be used by the Division of Marine Science within the School of Ocean Science and Engineering.

The Division of Marine Science offers the only interdisciplinary undergraduate program in marine science in Mississippi and the sole undergraduate emphasis in hydrography in the nation.

The Iver3 EP is a state-of-the-art open system that is user-customized to address mission-critical functionality.

USM selected the Iver to support multiple missions, including the development of an autonomous payload delivery system, enabling cooperative missions between both surface and underwater autonomous vehicles. The coordination and communication between L3’s autonomous surface vehicle and L3’s Iver will lead to extended capabilities over greater ranges with near real-time communication between operators and fleets of autonomous vehicles.

Our open system approach gives all users the flexibility to customize the Iver EP to meet mission requirements. Customers like USM use our open system vehicles to push the leading edge of UUV mission technology and inspire the next generation of ocean scientists and engineers,” said Daryl Slocum, general manager, L3 Fall River. “We take great pride in producing underwater vehicles that are trusted by the research community to test and explore new behaviors.”

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W-Zero 1 Energy Transition Zone, Hareness Road, Altens, Aberdeen, AB12 3LE
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