Hurricane Energy has started drilling its Lincoln Crestal discovery in the West of Shetland.
The Transocean Leader rig began work on the prospect today which is part of a three-well drilling programme for Hurricane.
It comes after the nearby Warwick Deep well was proved non-commercial last week.
Chief executive Robert Trice issued a statement outlining that Hurricane has evidence that the Warwick Deep dud had “no negative read-across” to Lancaster of Lincoln.
Lincoln Crestal is considered a tie-back candidate for the nearby Lancaster field, being produced via the Aoka Mizu FPSO.
According to Hurricane’s website, Lincoln’s contingent resources range from 150million barrels of oil equivalent (boe) to 604million in the mid-case and 1.5billion in the less likely case.
Lincoln lies in the Greater Warwick Area around 60miles West of Shetland, which is 50% owned by Spirit Energy.