HTL Intros Hydraulic Cutter for Offshore Industry

UK-based HTL has launched a bespoke hydraulic cutter for offshore industry market.

In all industries where hazardous machinery and materials are present, safety is the optimum priority. Statistics show that 80% of errors which occur during manufacturing are due to human error.

For this reason, many companies acquire bespoke equipment tailored to suit their safety and production standards. Utilising bespoke equipment supports the efficiency and accuracy within the workplace optimising overall machine usage and increasing safe productivity.

An example of this is, HTL Group were approached by a global market leader in dredging and marine services to design and manufacture a special purpose hydraulic cutter for umbilical cables to use on ship decks providing a solution to their problem.

HTL worked with the client to understand all of the operational issues, providing engineering concepts, agreed design and operating parameters resulting in a bespoke hydraulic cutter capable of cutting offshore umbilical up to 200mm diameter.

The cutting operation is by a hardened steel cutting blade, energised with 400tonnes of force. According to HTL, the equipment has improved general and operator safety due to its configuration and remote operation being a safe distance away from any cutting activity.

Through some very innovative design features the client is able to overcome any labour intense complex tasks reducing production downtime onsite by up to 80%, HTL said.

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W-Zero 1 Energy Transition Zone, Hareness Road, Altens, Aberdeen, AB12 3LE
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