GSP Offshore Completes Removal of OMV Petrom’s Gloria Jack-up Rig

GSP Offshore has completed the removal of Gloria jack-up rig for OMV Petrom, from its production location in the Black Sea.

The Gloria platform was transported to Agigea harbor in Constanţa. This represents the first removal of an offshore production platform in Romania.

The platform was used in oil and gas production operations in the Sinoe field, in the shallow waters of the Black Sea.

“This marks the end of a 40 year history as drilling and production platform in the Romanian Black Sea and the first decommissioning operation in Romania. The Gloria platform has made its full contribution to ensuring Romania’s energy supply. We will continue to operate the other six offshore production platforms, which provide over 16% of the group’s production,” said Peter Zeilinger, member of OMV Petrom executive board responsible for Upstream.

The production from the Sinoe field is currently suspended and the wells remaining on the wellhead platform are preserved in safe conditions.

The removal solution consisted in reinstating the platform jacking system, positioning the Gloria platform on a cargo barge, the GSP Big Foot2, and transporting it to the shore.

The Gloria platform was the first offshore drilling platform in Romania.

Since 1998, the Gloria platform has been located in the Sinoe field, approximately 30 km from the shore, in a water depth of around 40 meters and was used as a production platform.

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