The 2018 Wells Insight Report, published by the Oil and Gas Authority, stressed the large potential available from intervening in the UK Continental Shelf well stock.
Intervention activity in 2017 resulted in 43.5 million barrels of oil equivalent being safeguarded, restored or added to the UKCS production figures.
The report identified a number of areas the industry should focus on to achieve MER UK (maximising economic recovery UK), many of which will be discussed at the upcoming SPE ICoTA 25th Well Intervention Conference, from November 13-14, at P&J Live.
The organisers are delighted to announce that the opening remarks will be delivered by Margaret Copland, senior wells and technology manager at the OGA.
On day two, Phil Kirk, chief executive of Chrysaor, will deliver the keynote, which will give an overview of the operator’s progress from recent inception, to plans around MER in the North Sea. Mr Kirk is a very enthusiastic, open and engaging speaker and is sure to add extra energy to the room.
Now in its 25th year, the event remains the largest and longest established conference of its kind in Europe. Light well intervention will be the focus for the first session on day one, with further highlights for the day including a joint paper from Shell/TIOS (a Technip and Island Offshore Subsea Company) on improved oil recovery in high water cut wells, along with operator papers from BP, TAQA and Apache.
Other topics of interest that will be explored at the conference include new technologies such as “multi-string isolation logging” from Probe and a review of the progress of API16B from NOV.
Conference organisers are delighted to share that more than half the presentations over the two days are either operator-led or operator-service company collaborations.
SPE Aberdeen and ICoTA are also very involved in attracting new talent to the industry and inspiring the next generation.
There will be a guided tour of the exhibition for teachers, as well as for university and college students.
In previous years this initiative has received great feedback and has provided the opportunity to establish strong links between industry and schools.
Ahead of the event, conference chairman Mark Oatey, of Chrysaor, said: “I’m very much looking forward to this year’s event which, as always, is packed with excellent technical content.
“We are extending our operator area this year to connect more people face to face; this was a huge success last year.
“This area aims to connect service companies with operators, allow us to maximise the potential of the well stock over the next few years, share operator challenges, communicate face to face and work together as a wells community, bringing in the key OGA theme of collaboration.”
More details on this event are available at
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