AGS Enters Brazilian OBN Market with SAExploration Contract Award

Norway-based Axxis Geo Solutions (AGS) has entered into Brazilian Ocean Bottom Node (OBN) market with a USD 4 million contract award for the source work with SAExploration.

The initial contract is minimum three vessel months including mobilization and demobilization which is compensated for, the company explained.

The source vessel Neptune Naiad, owned by AGS, will be transferred from the North Sea to start OBN operations in Brazil in October.

The Neptune Naiad is a dual and triple source vessel that has worked continuously on OBN projects since mid-2017, AGS noted.

In addition, the company will mobilize Osprey Explorer vessel to the ongoing OBN survey on Utsira in the North Sea, and will remain on the project though completion, expected in late September this year.

We are able to continue safe and reliable operations in the North Sea, while entering a new and growing market with our OBN source vessel in Brazil. This is a good example of how we are able to utilize our flexible asset-light operational model to provide fit-for-purpose solutions to our customers and partners,” said Lee Parker, CEO of Axxis Geo Solutions.

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